There is scientific evidence that music can help to ease the symptoms of depression – https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080122203158.html. With this in mind, we invite you to take time out from your busy schedule, relax momentarily and listen to our “Inspiring Music Selection for Today”, personally selected for you by our President, Karl.
Making Love Out of Nothing At All
There is scientific evidence that music can help to ease the symptoms of depression –(http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080122203158.htm). With this in mind, we invite you to take time out from your busy schedule, relax momentarily and listen to our “Inspiring Music Selection for Today”.
“Making Love Out of Nothing at All” by Air Supply is a song about the transformative power of love. The lyrics speak to the singer’s admiration for his beloved. Their love together can take something that may be nothing and turn it into something that is romantic and beautiful. Love can take emptiness and create out of it joy and passion.
Remembering all the good times in our life…past, present and yet to come…