Other Disorders


DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS mental disorders (such as amnesia) that involve a dissociation or interruption in aspects of consciousness, including identity and memory.

SOMATIC SYMPTON DISORDERS   a class of mental disorders that involve prominent physical symptoms that may not have a diagnosable physical cause; abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can occur in response to these symptoms.  Those who experience this psychological disorder worry excessively about body functions and sensations are convinced that they have or will get a serious disease and are not reassured when medical tests come back negative.

EATING DISORDERScharacterized by obsessive concerns with weight and disruptive eating patterns that negatively impact physical and mental health. 

SLEEP DISORDERS – involve an interruption in sleep patterns that lead to distress and affect daytime. 

DISRUPTIVE DISORDERS – involve an inability to control emotions and behaviors, resulting in harm to oneself or others.

DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS – a type of mood disorder that includes a number of conditions. They are all characterized by the presence of sad, empty, or irritable moods accompanied by physical and cognitive symptoms. They differ in terms of duration, timing, or presumed etiology.

SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS – involving the use and abuse of different substances such as cocaine, methamphetamine, opiates, and alcohol; may include substance-induced conditions that can result in many associated diagnoses including intoxication, withdrawal, the emergence of psychosis, anxiety, and delirium. 

SCHIZOPHRENIA – a chronic psychiatric condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, and behavior. It is a complex, long-term condition that affects about one percent of people in the United States.  Symptoms include delusion (beliefs that conflict with reality) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not there); disorganized speech; confused thinking, and bizarre behavior or movements. 

OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDERS – involving obsessions (recurrent, persistent thoughts, impulses, and urges that lead to distress or anxiety) or compulsions (repetitive and excessive behaviors that the individual feels that they must perform). These actions are performed to reduce anxiety or to prevent some dreaded outcome from occurring.

PERSONALITY DISORDERS–   characterized by an enduring pattern of maladaptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can cause serious detriments to relationships and other life areas.  Example: Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing disregard for rules, social norms, and the rights of others.